This ultrasonic surgical equipment is designed for osteo plastic amputation, including dental implant surgery.
Provide the optimized performance by BDLC motor (0-40,000rpm) and Angle handpiece of several kinds. Optic Function Ergonomic design and Visible LCD display Combination with Traus Optic Angle which has excellent durability Effectiveness and grip
Implant X CUBE
Most of popular implant engine! Cost-effectiveness model with Korean high technology. Provide the optimized performance by BLDC motor (0-50.000rpm) and Angle handpiece of several kinds.
Καρφίδες στερέωσης τιτανίου του Ιταλικού κατασκευαστικού οίκου MC Bio Surgery. Οι καρφἰδες έχουν διάμετρο κεφαλής 2.5mm και μήκος 3mm και είναι κατασκευασμένες από τιτάνιο 5ου βαθμού.
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